Litigation and Dispute Resolutions

IICLEGAL is committed to the effective protection of human rights, gender equality, protection of consumer rights, class actions, and above all, the defense of our client’s interests.

Breach & Preventative legal assessment

Our litigation experience is not only useful when dealing with disputes, but also, as a preventative tool when structuring deals. We know what to expect from a worst case scenario, simply because we have years of experience. We will give you the tools necessary to design your deal to reduce the risks inherent to litigation and dispute resolutions.

Supervision and external support to litigation teams

We are also familiar with providing assistance to clients who would like to have a set of fresh eyes supervising the team handling the ongoing litigation and offer suggestions regarding the proposed strategies and legal approach.

Alternative Dispute Resolutions

Our litigation and transactional experience will work in your favor when dealing with alternative avenues for dispute resolutions. Our attorneys will obtain a settlement and resolve the conflict through negotiations and non-judicial or amicable procedures.


IICLEGAL has a longstanding program of pro-bono legal assistance helping people in need suffering from human rights violations and gender inequality. It is our institutional policy to promote the awareness of the problem in our society and to encourage the changes in our legal system to empower their claims and the effective and substantial protection of their rights.

By hiring IICLEGAL, you are helping the cause because a percentage of your fee will be destined to this program.